Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Day 6 Of Reformation

I was really tired last night and did NOT want to floss my teeth at all!!!!!!!!! But the post it notes and my hubby were staring me down. I whined through the whole event, and let out a big sigh when I was completed!

"There! I'm done!" Behind me in a soft voice my hubby said, " It only takes a few moments Cheryl" I know, I know, but I wanted to be lazy. So, to reward myself, I took the sticky note off the mirror that said "Good Job!!!"

I am amazed at how much God is helping me in the judgement department! I do speak in tongues and pray alot though.

I let another general judgement out of my mouth today, and my friend Cindy (who is visiting me) said immediately, "So do you think that will count as a judgement? ARGH!!!! Yup, I laughed and said, I repent Lord!

There was a guy driving in reverse down a sharp curve which is on a steep hill on my street and he was moving at a fast pace right in the middle of the road, and I almost hit him. There are tons of trucks out here in the West. I said, "Boys and their trucks, they're so stupid!!!!" Wooops did I say that?!!!!!!!!!

When I was thinking about something that was bothering me, I thought some other judgemental thoughts, but I didn't go as far to say them, and I asked God to forgive me, and I chose to change the focus of my thoughts.

God is showing me how to think about myself and the circumstances that I am directly involved in. I have the power to choose what I focus on.

Proverbs 18:21
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Deuteronomy 11:26
See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse--

Each day is a brand new opportunity to focus on His goodness, on what He is doing, and what He wants me to do to partner with Him. Kinda cool that the creator of the universe invites us to be a part of what He is doing.


Williams Family Blog said...

Focusing on his goodness...

Thats what this blogging thing is doing for me....helping me to see his blessings and work in my life and the people around me.

Say, I think you need to change the name of this thing. Every time I see the word REFORMATION I think of Martin Luther...gotta do with my Dutch Christian reformed upbringing.

Love you friend


Jen said...


I am very proud of you for sticking with the flossing...even if it took a little peer...Sid pressure! Hey that's the good part about this accountability thing...helping each other stick with it even when we don't feel like it.

Reading your blog for today, I just remembered a self judgement....HEY wait, I didn't say that my husband did! It was a blond remark for giving out the wrong phone # to a friend. Who calls there own cell phone anyway? Of course I gave the number I call the most...HIS! I should have told him I was just helping him get more business! ; )
I guess my reformation should be to stop him from enjoying those blond moments so much!
Say Hi to Cindy

Shari said...

Tonight I'm able to use my treadmill again. I have Really missed using it the past few days.

I have only a few aches left. I just checked my elbow: it takes my entire hand to cover the black and blue area...The good news is Kevin is no longer calling me Grandma (I'm walking normal again)!!


Nana Cheryl said...

Over another flossing hump - good for you!! Choices - such a huge topic!! But in reality, we make choices every day - how much more important to make GOOD choices. Imagine not thinking about what you are wearing today and you just put on whatever. Could be quite funny or very embarassing!!

Power of Words - my favourite class. :o) I got a new charm for my bracelet on the weekend from my friend, Shelley. It says "Words speak to the Heart." Our words speak to our heart as well as to the one who hears them. They usually flow out of what is in our own hearts. "Out of the abunance of the heart, the mouth speaks." Our focus definitely influences our words. Speaking God's goodness will bless others, but it will bless you at the same time. :o)


Rhonda said...

Okay. Not speaking words of judgement was not on my list. However, because I am connected to this team it has overflowed onto me. God is showing me when thoughts of judgement are popping up. I wasn't looking to change that one. Thanks girls. :)

There is more than just blogging that is knitting us together.

Love, Rhonda