Tomorrow is D Day. The day to start your reformation.
They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. I think the Holy Spirit has prompted me, and I have decided to take initiative, and take a 21 journey towards reformation. Why don't you join me? All you need is some post it notes, and if you are especially creative, some colored pens, pencils or markers (or crayons for mom's of toddlers) We all have things that we don't function in, that we wish we did.
I have 2 specific things that I want to focus on for my 21 Day Reformation. One is flossing my teeth, the other, well its a big one............. and I'll leave that for a further blog.
I am going to place 21 Post It Notes on my mirror, in some inconvenient places, to remind me to start to form a habit, to make a reformation. You could decide to put your post it notes on your computer, or on the wall by your sink, or fridge, maybe on the dash of your car.
But join me, do it! Decide to work on an area in your life.
It may be as simple as flossing your teeth, or speaking kinds words to yourself or others, or (heaven forbid) no chocolate!!! You can write yourself encouraging words, or better yet ask God what He wants to say to you that day, and keep it later in a journal as a testimony of His transforming power. Be creative, and share your creativity on this blog.
The word REFORMATION means radical change for the better. The root word REFORM means make or become better by removal of faults or errors.
The reality as a Christian is that we cannot actually remove our faults, that job belongs to God. He is the one who can actually transform us. However, we can ask God to help us to change, we can choose to change, we can be transformed. There are many principles in God's word that will produce change in our lives. This blog will be dedicated to taking a 21 Day journey of reformation.
Romans 12:1-2 says,
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."
They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. I think the Holy Spirit has prompted me, and I have decided to take initiative, and take a 21 journey towards reformation. Why don't you join me?
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Count me in!!!
Lord, I do not want to conform any longer to the pattern of this world. Transform me!!
I'm excited!!
I find your challenge Very Interesting!! While attending "The Siege" in Ottawa (Feb.1-4th) God placed somethings in my heart "to do" to help bring about some change in my life. It is a very specific list of things that I felt God asked me to take action on.
Everything on my list is about me personally or my relationship with God. Nothing on my list is directly related to the church or my role there - however I do suspect that the overflow from my personal life will affect other things.
So, I am now 23 days into my journey of "Change". Something's are easy and have now become part of my everyday life - While other things are.. WELL - let's just say...I have a way to go on other things yet!!
I think this will help to inspire me onward!!
Thanks, I'll take all the help I can get!
Sign me up for "21 days" this like Weight Watchers..ha, ha !!
Interesting to know.
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