Hi Reformation Friends!
How was your first day? Mine was really good.
I learned one very important lesson. There is a reason why Post-It-Notes has a corner on the market. The dollar store ones don't stick very long - especially on a mirror. My family started laughing at me last night as I had to go and get tape to help reinforce all my funky sticky notes onto my mirror. Sometimes I'm just too cheap for my own good.
Well, I flossed my teeth, my husband said he was proud of me, all the while chuckling under his breath. He's made it a habit a few years ago.
I have to laugh at myself, and even the first night I saw how powerful procrastination is. Well, my family can laugh, I can laugh at myself, but if I end up forming a habit, then great!
Now- to the deeper goal. I caught myself a few times yesterday almost going towards judgement. Then I stopped myself and started speaking in tongues and laughing. Thank you God, for reminding me. Judgement can come in various forms and there is no way that I can articulate all of it, you are better of getting the book that I suggested yesterday. I promise you, you won't be disappointed if you buy it.
What you focus on - you empower. Yesterday I chose to focus on His goodness, the beauty of creation around me, and His kindness. Whenever my mind went to injust circumstances in my life, I chose to release forgiveness, not walk in offense, and ask God to pour out His mercy and kindness on the situation.
As I awoke today the Lord reminded me of this scipture found in Matthew 18:19
"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven."
I can feel the power of agreement that is happening amongst all of us Reformers. It is not just will power, it is the power of agreement. I think we underestimate this power. This power can produce miraculous results, and it all comes from our choice, and His power.
God has given us the ability to partner with His power. If you wish, tell us all how He partnered with you on your first day.
Friday, March 2, 2007
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Hi Cheryl,
One of my reformations is to be nice to myself. Last night I was leaning on the bathroom wall and happened to look in the mirror. I thought a not-so-nice thought about my body shape. I was about to say it out loud but was able to stop myself. Then I "bragged" to my husband my 1/2 victory! I guess if I can make it a habit not to speak out the negative, eventually, I will not think it either. Then I will have the FULL victory. Anyway, it is a start in the right direction.
Well, day one surprised me a little...in a pleasant way.
All you bloggers sort of helped me "fall" into another reformation...I set up a blog as well. Hot pink...which I love!
I was pretty tired but happy going to bed, and got another little surprise in the morning....the snow day to spend with my kids, AND a downward dip on the scales. Seems like a vain reformation, but it really is a victory for me. Your right, there is power in agreement.
Love you girl,
Hi Cheryl, and everyone else that has come on board.
I am a little late in reading your invitation Cheryl hense I am joining in on day 2. I have recently been nudged by God regarding my (sometimes) negative attitude toward my husband. We are taking part in a 12 week course at our church on various aspects of healing for our soul, and recently we looked at inner vows and judgments. I was reminded of my Mother and Father's relationship being far from perfect and consequently how I judged my mother (and Dad) in their mutual disrespect toward each other. Well we all know the truth that.. "in the measure in which you judge you will be judged" so guess what? You got it, I judge my husband and consequently disrespect him. I have thanked God for the revelation of my inner vow and judgment and confessed my sin and subsequently my healing. I have also confessed the revelation to my husband and asked for his forgiveness. So for these 19 remaining days I will take your challenge Cheryl and practice walking out the fruit of my repentance. Thanks for the challenge and thanks all you out there as we pray for each other.
Well here are my 2 goals:
Reduce my "busyness" and renew my writing.
Getting started:
1. Busyness - clear the clutter
2. Restore writing - write something every day
My ladies group topic for this week was "Putting off Busyness for Rest." Don’t everyone fall down laughing at once. One of the articles I found was by John Maxwell called "Clearing the Clutter." This includes Calendar clutter - you know - when the list of everything you have to do doesn't fit in the little calendar square. Another quote from my lesson: "We need to be doing His business, not our busyness."
So how am I clearing my current calendar clutter? We are away for the weekend to visit with friends and "forcing myself" to relax and not work. This is a desperately needed break.
#2 is starting to be fulfilled by joining this blog. It will require me to "write" every day for 21 days. This will "create the habit" of writing my thoughts out again. I have set up a blog page as well. This “temporarily” added something more to my busyness, but will help me to accomplish my goals. For the longer version of this entry, visit my blog. :o)
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