Hey Everyone,
To commemorate this starting day, I ventured out to the dollar store, and got myself some inexpensive but inspiring sticky notes.
One set says, "Let's Just Do It!!" - this will be for my flossing, cause I really hate doing it, and seems to find a zillion excuses why I couldn't.
The other set is funky with black and pink, and says PRINCESS in a funky flower. How perfect! Cause I am His princess, I am royalty, and I need to remind myself daily of that fact.
Ps. 139 is my favorite chapter in the bible.
"How precious are your thoughts towards me O God, how vast is the sum of them, if I were to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand"
I need to remind myself that I am a princess, because those of us who struggle with rejection issues, will judge themselves harshly, and this is what I am asking God to help me deal with, along with thoughts of judgements of others.
I have been reading probably one of the best books I've read in a while. I recommend it to the whole world.
It is called,
How To Stop The Pain - Pain is inevitable, Suffering is optional. by Dr. james B Richards. The whole book is about judgement, wrong thinking, etc. It is fantastic, and you can get it at Christian book stores or on Amazon.
OK, here we go day 1!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
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Hey cheryl! I like that challenge. I'm going to do it. funny thing.actually, I've never purchased post it notes really before and for some reason the other day I was at walmart getting a few things and I walked past some post it notes and thought I need to get some. didnt really know why . just you know to write little reminders and numbers and stuff down, instead of a huge piece of paper for a little note. so now I got a whole stack of them and am gonna use them. praise GOd.!
Hi Cheryl
One of the things on my list is to get up earlier in the morning. Not so that I can accomplish anything exciting other than to be to work on time.
I so struggle getting out of bed. And I can't seem to get to sleep any earlier at night - my evenings are just busy.
So, this morning I was up at 6:30am - like I need to be everymorning. Usually I lay there until 7:00 and then rush. I mean RUSH!! I race like crazy in my 'rush hour' traffic and then I'm still late for work. I arrive to work feeling the effects of it all.
Today was different!!!! I arrived on time and refreshed.
Now, to repeat again tomorrow.
One of the things that I feel God has been telling me to do is to go out of my comfort zone and start sharing my heart more.
Not to just joke around all the time but to acknowledge the emotions within and give them to God.
Also with this is to make some new friendships (and rekindle some) that are people that will challenge me to go deeper with God.(just by how they live their lives)
Another ongoing thing is my native heritage. I am needing to get some new regalia together but I am not sure what yet. All I know is that I want to reflect our Creator's heart in what I wear and how I dance for Him.
Hey Cheryl...
I still have not found out what to focus on for the 30 day challenge... need to get some divine inspiration!
But I really think it is a cool idea...
Also. .I love Dr. Richards books, I have read a few of his and they are all amazing!
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