Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Moment Of Truth Day 3

Welcome to all the new women who are on a bold journey towards Reformation! And welcome to all those who are not participating specifically but may have timely insights to comment on.

God reminded me of this scripture today found in Ps. 51:6

Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being, And in the hidden part You will make me know wisdom. NAS

But you desire honesty from the heart, so you can teach me to be wise in my inmost being. NLT

We are at a moment of truth on this journey. This is the first step towards change.

God can handle the truth. He can handle our raw emotions. What He can't handle is if we think we can change on our own. He has to be the one to teach us to be wise in our inmost being. All we can do is be real and be willing to make the choices He sets before us each day. He loves a heart of honesty and obedience. He is the one who will do the Reformation, our part is in choosing to partner with His strategy for the day.

As women, we have many ideas in our mind about how we should be functioning as a woman or mom. We often have a very huge measuring stick in our hands that we think we must reach, and better yet, subliminally we use it to measure others, or compare our growth with others.

God does not have a measuring stick. So if you have one, feel free to ask Him to break it!!

Instead He calls us up higher into places of maturity, into thinking as He thinks, and loving as He loves. He will teach us. All we have to do is become the student.
We don't get to mark how we did on a test or get to decide to "grade" ourselves. That belongs to Him alone. He never looks at us with eyes of failure. He looks to see if we have hearts that desire truth. That, He can work with. Then, He will teach us to be wise.

He may only teach you one little thing each day, or only one thing for the whole month. It may seem insignificant to you........... but He has a master plan for your life and He knows what you need to learn to take you to the next step.

So rest easy on this journey. Be encouraged that the most important step is truth in your heart. When He reveals things, be free to be real, and let it out, and then step into the freedom that only His blood can offer. There is freedom in knowing that He will set you free.

Women of God, be free to be who you are today, knowing that He will transform you into His image, all He asks is for your obedience to His voice for today.

Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls.For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light." Mt 11- NLT

God, help us as women. Help us to keep coming to You with the truth in the deep places of our heart. Help us to lean heavy on You for the strategy to be an overcomer and to live in Reformation. We acknowledge that we cannot change ourselves.
We want to be like You and we want to live a life of joy and peace. We want to be the women that You have destined us to be. We know that You have a great plan for this Army Of Women. Teach us Lord.


Tamatha said...

I know that God can handle the truth and also our "raw emotions" but most of the time I feel like I can't handle it. That is usually when I fall back into the trap of shutting it down and blocking it out. This area that is real hard to beat. Thank God He is here to help me! And all these wonderful people He has placed around me.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we have to let ourselves off the hook. Its always better to bring the stinky stuff into the light.
Bless your honesty Tammy!

Nana Cheryl said...

Honesty with God is easier when we KNOW that He loves us unconditionally. We have no need to perform or impress Him because we can't make Him love us any more or any less than He ALREADY LOVES US. He knows our "innermost being" so why try to hide it or to deny it?

Be honest before Him - lay open your heart without fear of rejection. He will heal the broken places and put His finger on the places we need to repent. We need not fear either - both are for OUR GOOD - to bring us even closer to wholeness.

As we become the matured Army of Women that God desires, we WILL be able to overcome - not only in our own lives, but also for those who cannot.

Rise up Women of God - He is calling YOU!!

Anonymous said...

I love that Cheryl, honest before Him without fear of rejection. Sooo good!

There is freedom in knowing His love, and knowing that we can be real, and have no fear!

redeemed diva said...

I love what you wrote about breaking the measuring stick. So good. I loved that visual word picture. Great post Cheryl I am being so encouraged by what you write.

Anonymous said...

I just joined CWO and when I hit the random button, your blog came up. I really believe this is a God thing!

I would love to join you ladies for a 21 Day Reformation.

Anonymous said...


Welcome to the team!! We welcome your insight and to share your journey.

Bless you!!