Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Moving Forward

I heard a good message on Sunday and was reminded that we need to be sure that all we are doing comes from a level of intimacy with God, not from human effort.
This teaching caused me to stop and review the Reformation that I am on with God. I had to go to God and be sure that I am doing it out of a relationship with God and hearing His direction for me. It's always good to check your heart. If He is not asking You to go on a journey of Reformation, don't do it.

I am grateful to God for bringing me these 21 Day Reformations. I know that His presence and voice has been guiding me through this. I was particularly challenged by Cheryl Levy's blog about choices. She had this quote from C.S. Lewis

"Every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you, the part of you that chooses, into something a little different from what it was before... either into a creature that is in harmony with God, ...or into one that is in a state of war with God. Each of us at each moment is progressing to the one state or the other." C.S. Lewis ~Mere Christianity

I am amazed at how much fruit is coming forth from me choosing to align myself with His direction about judgment and complaining. I have had to make a personal choice to focus on what He is saying, or doing.
It has been a very unique experience in that I am keenly aware of Him walking with me and talking to me through many situations in the day. When He is speaking, I feel no shame or blame, I only feel His love and encouragement to keep choosing to walk in maturity.

God, help me to choose to be a person that is in harmony with Your purposes for my life.

Thank you for showing me how the law of sowing and reaping is in effect when I choose to walk in judgment and what I choose to focus on, and speak of.
Thank you that this very same law is also in effect when I choose to bless and speak words of life.

For those who choose to walk this journey with me, remember......... that each seed that He asks us to sow, will bear fruit.


Shari said...

Hi Cheryl

I am not directly participating in your reformation. I have soooooo many things that are already on my life list with God that one more is to overwhelming at this time. I will check in and read what is happening with you and the others.

Happy Reformation - I will rejoice as you aim towards the finish line ....are we really ever there...we will always be in process. Happy travels!!


Jen said...

God has been speaking to me about choices as well Cheryl.
Choosing my reactions...
Choosing forgiveness...
Choosing to move forward...
Choosing to let others off my hook...
Choosing to see what He sees...
Also standing by the choices I have and will continue to make. Taking ownership of choices that are mistakes.
Choosing to keep getting up, and reaching higher...
Our choices can be so will really is a gift!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Shari, no pressure, we are all on one type of reformation or journey of some sort. You're right, we are never done, we are always leaning hard on Him.

Those are great choices, and very similar to what God is speaking to me about. Bless you on your journey to choose. Some days are harder than others. (probably because we have to let go more!lol!)