Monday, April 16, 2007

The Origin Of Reformation

I've had a few people interested in how the Reformation started for me, or how to join in.

Here is the original writing about it that I posted on my other blog.

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit.

I think the Holy Spirit has prompted me, and I have decided to take initiative, and take a 21 Day journey towards reformation.
Why don't you join me?

All you need is some post it notes, and if you are especially creative, some colored pens, pencils or markers (or crayons for mom's of toddlers)

If you want to know more or join me on this journey, come to my new blog set aside for this specific focus, enter your thoughts, ideas, difficulties, and lessons learned. Or click here to go to it.

Each day I will try to bring insight and encouragement, and testimonies of my journey, whether good or bad. I'm going to start my journey on March 1st, and it will end of March 21st - The first day of spring. A day of promise for new life, and fresh air.

Since this original post, I have been prompted to start another fresh one, which you can read about here. It has been a really interesting journey. You don't need a special start date. Today is a good day!

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