Monday, April 16, 2007

Thoughts about our thoughts

I just found an old friend on a blogging site, and I was really inspired by her writings about complaining. God's got me on this complaining Reformation, and I know it will not just be about reaching a 21 Day goal, it will be a lifestyle and a transformation of the inner man.

She wrote:

I've been listening to Graham Cooke lately and on one of his teaching tapes he talks about a time the Lord spoke to Him and said, "Gray, it would be a real kindness to me if you didn't whine about your problems today. It would be a real kindness to me if you just left them with me and trusted them to my care." I thought about this as I watched the pavement underneath my feet and listened to the kids playing tag down the street.

In some parts of my brain, I think that I've become bored and I'm trying to complain about my life so that I have something to do. I mean, honestly, I live in North America--how hard can life really be. Even if it's the bottom of the barrel, I still live in one of the most comfortable nations in the world.

And then my spirit speaks "Hey, you know that if you start whining you will eventually reach the point where you surrender it to God and you will praise Him for His goodness. Why not skip the next emotionally-charged 20 minutes and go straight to the praising part? It's where you end up anyways."

Thanks for the reminder Holly. I for one am tired of wasting my energy on bad thoughts and complaining thoughts or words. It really is a choice, and His spirit is always inviting us to partner with Him.

God, thanks for speaking through Your word, Your spirit and other brothers and sisters. Thanks for calling us up higher into Your ways. I say Yes to Your leading!


redeemed diva said...

Hey Cheryl,
I'm glad we got connected again. Thanks for the comments you left on my blog. I love the idea of the 21 day reformation, and as the saying goes "I'm in."
Today is a great day for change. I'm looking forward to growing and changing in Christ!
You know, this is a great idea for a book. You should write one on the idea and then use blog excerpts from everyone who has joined as encouragement for others. Just a thought.

Shaun and Holly said...

great idea!

Anonymous said...

I think it may be a God idea too!

Actually much of what I am writing on both my blogs is to spur me on towards eventually writing a book.

Thanks for the confirmation and encouragement.