Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Setting It Ablaze

Been chatting with my friend Holly who has invited 21 women, to join her on a 21 Day Reformation along with my self and anyone else interested. They are planning on starting on Sunday April 22nd and finish Saturday April 12th, just in time for Mother's Day. This is really cool. Mother's Day is a day to remember mother's and those who have a nurturing heart.

Here are some excerpts from our chats.

Holly said,
I wasn't really clear on whether or not you pick the topic for the 21 days or if it's Spirit lead. Could you send me some general info about it. It looks like something that requires honesty and transparency and I can definitely commit to something like that

Cheryl said,
This is the original post that I wrote that prompted the Reformation. I wrote it on my other blog.
They say it takes 21 days to form a habit.
I think the Holy Spirit has prompted me, and I have decided to take initiative, and take a 21 Day journey towards reformation.
Why don't you join me?
All you need is some post it notes, and if you are especially creative, some colored pens, pencils or markers (or crayons for mom's of toddlers)
If you want to know more or join me on this journey, come to my new blog set aside for this specific focus, enter your thoughts, ideas, difficulties, and lessons learned. Or click here to go to it.
Each day I will try to bring insight and encouragement, and testimonies of my journey, whether good or bad.

Holly said,
Hi Cheryl,

I just invited 21 women to join me this Sunday to start a revolution. Don't know how many will join, but I wanted to encourage you and tell you that this idea is going to go far.

I was thinking last night about my suggestion for a book. You could even do something like 105 day devotional. 5 Revolutions to make This Year. And it could be a daily devo with scripture and blog entries from different women who went on the Revolution with you.

Anyway, it has a lot of potential, in my mind, to become a quiet movement that fulfills Canadian women's destiny: blessed to be a blessing, a voice that speaks healing to the nations and helpers who come along side to aid the broken.

Cheryl said,
I will join you all restarting this Sunday, and invite others as well, and we’ll start a new journey together K? I just had it prophesied over me 2 weeks ago that I would be leading an army of women, so this is cool. Thank you for your encouragement.............................. This will be exciting.......................


Amy said...


You have been leading me for years. Whether you realize it or not. You are a blessing to all that I am, and I am better for having you in my life.

I am in that army.

Love, Amy

Anonymous said...

Thanks Amy. You are such an inspiration and a tremendous leader and mentor yourself.

So glad we are on the same team. An army and band of women with a purpose. We will advance for His kingdom sake.

Love you,


Rhonda said...

Vote for Cheryl's blog:

Tamar said...

I believe You have been called to Lead. There is a distinct purpose for Your life and You are after hearing Gods Heart, to walk into it!

I am so Thankful for all that You have invested in my life...I Welcome What You have to say and really value it tremendously!

Stand confident in this calling!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rhonda for recommending me for a contest!! Wow! I'm honored.

And thanks for the kind words Tamar.
I am realizing as I have taken some time out to evaluate my strengths and spend time talking with God about what He wants me to do............... that I must lead. It is this nagging thing that won't let go of me.
So thanks for the encouragement.

Tamar said...

It should be a natural thing ....Just the way You live defines the Leader. You draw the same quality out of others who God has a destiny of leadership in (whatever the type of leading may be) I Think We are All called to lead and just need to propell eachother forward! Leading is Living the Way God is teaching us...Honest when we fail and full of Hope in His Promise to finish what He Started in us!