Monday, April 9, 2007


I was blessed to be able to have my parents come on Saturday for Easter.
We enjoyed the summer weather, and spent time on Saturday wandering through a few nurseries. Ahhh, I love flowers. They make me smile. I'm not sure why. but I am thankful that God made so many beautiful varieties for me to enjoy.

My dad has a trade mark. He's the cultivator in our family. We teasingly label him "the dirt man"
He's always buying dirt, and moving it around gardens or making himself available to help others with dirt. As soon as he had heard that I was considering planting raspberries, he came bearing gifts of raspberry bushes.

Dad and I spent the morning pulling out a huge load of unruly, overgrown grasses off of my steep hill in my backyard. In its place, we dug out the soil and rocks, and made a ledge and put in some raspberry and blueberry bushes.
As we toiled and panted and pulled rocks and grass roots... I kept saying to my Dad, there's a message in this! We talked about how unruly some roots can be, how toiling and cultivating the soil always pays off and will eventually bear good fruit.

Although I was audibly talking to my dad in the natural, I was enjoying talking to my heavenly Father, asking Him to show me more truths about cultivating the soil in my heart, and learning from Him. In this reformation, I have allowed Him to cultivate deep down into my heart, which affects what I say and how I say it.

I am grateful that He is weeding some things out and taking out some doozie rocks. lol! All of this weeding is unto greater life and fruit. Its always redemptive.

We finished digging just in time for a long awaited rain storm. I walked away feeling refreshed for expending some energy, happy to have cultivated the dirt, and even more happy to have enjoyed it with my earthy and heavenly Father's.


Jen said...

Do you ever stop finding rocks in your garden Cheryl?

I feel like when i think God is pretty much done with those nasty boulders....There's another one He shows me....sometimes a pebble...sometimes they seem to be the worst.
Thank you God for Cultivating us!


Rhonda said...

Sounds like a wonderfully productive day. Planting and sowing, with your Dad and your Father. What great memories. I'm sure that your Dad loved it as much as you did.

Amy said...

My dreams of cultivating this year have now been house will do without flowers for another year...when I can bend.

I love the thought of of my favourite fruits...might just have to go to the store

Anonymous said...

What is your due date Amy?

I wish I could be there to do your bending for you and help you cultivate!

I love raspberries too, they are really yummy in homemade trifle!

Amy said...

July 22--but in my world that means anytime once July 1st rolls around...I'm guessing July 9th. Mike thinks August (sounds like he loves to see me uncomfortable!lol)
Time will tell.
(i'm not huge, but my back is exceptionally sore with this one...probably b/c I still have everyday to contend with, and two 34 pound children that like to be cuddled and picked up on occasion (especially Isaiah) bending is getting harder by the day.)

Anonymous said...

Hey, if you went one day overdue it would be Sid's and my anniversary!! If you want, you could name her Cheryl............ I would be OK with that! Or Sidney could work too. lol!

Yup, the spring mechanisms in our bodies don't work as great by the time we've had 3 kids.
Don't know how my grandma did it having 11!!!

Rhonda said...


I used to carry Jonathan around all the time when I was pregnant with Brittany. He turned 4 five weeks after she was born. Everyone scolded me, but my little boy wanted to be I carried him. And Brittany was born a healthy baby with no complications.

I'm sorry - I don't cultivate. :)

Anonymous said...

That's OK Rhonda, you do in different ways, just not with dirt. More importantly you cultivate the hearts of young children.

Amy said...

I'll pass those names onto for a guy that wanted to name Isaiah "Yair", I don't think they'll pass...He's a bit wierd.
Wish me luck!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! Yair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yikes, I'm in prayer right now!

Tamatha said...

Where on earth did he come up with a name like that?