Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I've Got The Power! - Day 4

Does this title make you think of that secular song, sung in a high voice I've got the Powwa!!!

God has been speaking to me today about what He is doing with all of us Reformers.
Well actually, its more like what we are doing with Him. You see we are co-laboring with God!!

I felt like He spoke the word SURGE to me. So, I went to see what this word means in the dictionary.
Surge- verb
A strong wavelike movement, forward movement, rush, or sweep. A strong swelling, wavelike volume or body of something.
Synonyms for surge- arise, climb, grow, gush, ripple, rise, swell, swirl, well forth

When we partner with God, we have access to His unlimited power in our lives. How awesome is that?!!

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds 2 Cor. 10:4

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 2 Cor 12:9

Thank God we don't have to fight our weaknesses with human strength! We just have to access the source of the power for Reformation.
He will move us forward, grow in us, rise up within us and burst forth in us like a gushing well.

Be encouraged today to lean heavy into God. Co-labor with Him. Bring Him your weaknesses and by faith, access His power. You might be surprised what happens! I for one can't wait to hear your testimony of His power surging through you. Even if it seems small, let us know.

We overcome by the power of His blood and the word of our testimony.

God, Thank You that you have an unlimited supply of power to surge through us and beyond our weaknesses. Please do this for us today!


happymummy said...

I agree, Cheryl. There is a strength in unity, and I really noticed that there is a momentum that is not my own coming up behind me. I'm glad to be a part of this.

redeemed diva said...

Hey Cheryl,
I GOT THE POWER! I really do and today has been an extraordinay day for that. Thanks for the post and the reminder that we don't fight with natural weapons. In the spirit realm, I am a fierce warrior bride...streaming hair, double edge swords in both hands and knee high army boots on...great for kicking the devil in the head! Of course, my greatest weapon is rest and I wield that one often. Do I have the power? Oh, yeah. I GOT THE POWER!--JESUS!

Nana Cheryl said...

Hey Cheryl

God has the POWER to REFORM us!! I have experienced His surge in my life. He has exactly what we need at exactly the moment we need Him to intervene. :o)

I am tagging this Blog again for the "Thinking Blogger" Award. Don't want others to miss an opportunity to take the 21 Day Challenge!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cheryl!
So glad to have you be a part, you have awesome insight!!
I tagged yours back again too, cause you really make me think.