Friday, April 6, 2007


Had a set back yesterday, once again involving my son.

My son is destined for greatness, and does not fit in the education box well at all, so........... things can be very challenging here. Unfortunately he will have to try to stay in the box for a few more years until grade 12. This is a huge challenge for him, which often floats over to me.

I am grateful for EA's who are working really hard to help Matt succeed. I have learned that if I stop, and ask Him, He always has a solution. All I have to do, is to let go of how I am feeling at that moment, and ask Him for His perspective and solution.

Opposition and situations that require tremendous perseverance, are really hard not to let a little complaint slip out!
There is however, no failure for me in this, just a greater awareness. Thank you Lord!!

Thank you God that Your mercies are new EVERY morning, and great is Your faithfulness to me! I can walk each day in confidence, knowing Your love never changes and You are always guiding and directing.
I can't imagine living without You!


Amy said...

I believe that I too, will be a woman of perseverance at the end of my child daughter fits in few boxes, so time will tell how school goes..(at the moment she can't stand it!!)
Thanking God for his grace and mercy.

Anonymous said...

Yes Amy, I will pray for extra perseverance for you! I have learned that school doesn't happen from 9-3 for these type of kids.

Keep fighting for her! She is probably a lot like her daddy, and he is such an awesome unique guy.Mike is a unique thinker and I like that about him. He has taught me a lot and opened my understanding in many ways.

Cheers to God for making such creative kids, help us not squash them in the process of them becoming great!